agra,ahmedabad,ajmer,akola,aligarh,ambala,amravati,amritsar,aurangabad,ayodhya,bangalore,bareilly,bathinda,bhagalpur,bhilai,bhiwani,bhopal,bhubaneswar,bikaner,bilaspur,bokaro,chandigarh,chennai,coimbatore,cuttack,dehradun,delhi ncr,dhanbad,dibrugarh,durgapur,faridabad,ferozpur,gandhinagar,gaya,ghaziabad,goa,gorakhpur,greater noida,gurugram,guwahati,gwalior,haldwani,haridwar,hisar,hyderabad,indore,jabalpur,jaipur,jalandhar,jammu,jamshedpur,jhansi,jodhpur,jorhat,kaithal,kanpur,karimnagar,karnal,kashipur,khammam,kharagpur,kochi,kolhapur,kolkata,kota,kottayam,kozhikode,kurnool,kurukshetra,latur,lucknow,ludhiana,madurai,mangaluru,mathura,meerut,moradabad,mumbai,muzaffarpur,mysore,nagpur,nanded,narnaul,nashik,nellore,noida,palwal,panchkula,panipat,pathankot,patiala,patna,prayagraj,puducherry,pune,raipur,rajahmundry,ranchi,rewa,rewari,rohtak,rudrapur,saharanpur,salem,secunderabad,silchar,siliguri,sirsa,solapur,sri-ganganagar,srinagar,surat,thrissur,tinsukia,tiruchirapalli,tirupati,trivandrum,udaipur,udhampur,ujjain,vadodara,vapi,varanasi,vellore,vijayawada,visakhapatnam,warangal,yamuna-nagar
Important Concepts

Important Concepts

A strategic plan for studying is a must-have for every student, it plays a vital role in effective learning, a better understanding of concepts and hence improves a student’s overall performance in class. Students should have access to all the important topics at the ease of their fingertips, this is why our team of classroom experts have designed the section “Important Concepts”.

Here you will find a wide collection of important topics, their explanations and FAQs from all subject textbooks of class 9th to 12th. With the ease of accessing multiple sources of information on one page, students can make the most of their study time. These tips will save every student's time, enabling them to build a better foundation, keeping them a step ahead of their peers. Every student should bookmark this page as it will be a quick resource to revise all the topics during exams. Each subject on this page has multiple categories and subcategories consisting of different topics.


Math Concepts

All students should have a one-stop destination for all their math formulas and important topics, so that the students don’t have to waste their time browsing through multiple pages.

In this section, you will find all the essential concepts like prime numbers, area of a rectangle, trigonometry table, probability, variables and constants In algebraic expressions and more.


Additive and Multiplicative Identity Adjacent and Vertical Angles Algebra Symbols
Area Of Hemisphere Area Of Hollow Cylinder Area of Pentagon
Area of Rectangle Bodmas Rule Branches of Mathematics
Chance and Probability Circumference of a Circle Congruence Of Triangles
Construction of Angles Cuboid and Cube Decimals In Daily Life
Divisibility Rules Dot Product of Two Vectors Empirical Probability
Equivalent Fractions Even Odd Prime Composite Numbers Frequency Polygons
Geometric Tools Integers Lines
Maths Project Number System Numeral System
Odd Numbers Perfect Cube Of Numbers Perfect Numbers
Perpendicular Bisector Precision Prime Factorization of Hcf And Lcm
Prime Numbers Probability and Statistics Symbols Quadrilateral
Reflection Symmetry Roman Numerals Set Theory Symbols
Surface Area and Volume Three Dimensional Shapes Triangular Numbers
Trigonometry Trigonometry Table Two Lines Symmetry
Types of Angles Value of Pi Variables And Constants In Algebraic Expressions
Z Score Table Addition Table Algebraic Expression
Algebraic Identities Apollonius Theorem Applications of Trigonometry
Area of a Sphere Area of Equilateral Triangle Area of Isosceles Triangle
Area of Quadrilateral Area of Trapezium Area of Triangle
Area Segment Circle Ascending Order Average and Mean
Basic Proportionality Theorem Bisection Method Centroid
Circumcenter of a Triangle Cm to inch converter Co-Prime Numbers
Compound Interest Coordinate Geometry Correlation
Cos 30 Degrees Cube Cylinder
Difference Between Fraction And Rational Numbers Difference Between Percentage and Percentile Differential Equations
Differentiation Formulas Even Numbers Factorisation
Frequency Distribution Table Statistics Graphical Representation HCF and LCM
Height and Distance Horizontal Line How to Find the Percentage of Marks?
Math Tricks Maths Equations Mensuration
Obtuse Angled Triangle Odd Numbers Onto Function
Pentagon Pentagonal Prism Perimeter of Square
Perimeter of Triangle Probability Profit and Loss
Properties of a Triangle Properties of Isosceles Triangle Rational Numbers
Rational Numbers and Their Properties Real Number Relation between Mean, Median and Mode
Rhombus Rotation Semicircle
Sin 30 Degrees Solving Linear Equations Square Root
Statistics Supplementary Angles Surface Area of a Hemisphere
Surface Area of a Sphere Surface Areas and Volume Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix
Tables of 2 to 30 The volume of a Cylinder Trapezium
Triangular Prism Trigonometric Ratios Types of Triangles
Types of Vectors Value of Log Infinity Value of Root 3
Value of Root 5 Vertical Line Volume of a Cube
Volume of Hemisphere Whole numbers Algebraic Identities
Differentiation and Integration Greater Than and Less Than Symbols Laplace Transform
Linear Graph Trigonometric Ratios Orthocenter
Orthogonal Matrix Square Root from 1 to 25 Log 0 Value
Altitude of a Triangle Binary Subtraction Cayley Hamilton Theorem
Diagonal Matrix Difference Between Constants and Variables Difference Between Linear and Nonlinear Equations
Geometric Progression Sum of GP Like Fractions Unlike Fractions Difference between Place Value and Face Value
Sin 60 Degrees Singular Matrix Value of Cos 120
Antilog Table Consistent And Inconsistent Systems Cube Root of Unity
Direct and Inverse Proportion Euclid Division Lemma Extrapolation
Frustum of Cone Greater Than Symbol Elementary Transformation of Matrix
Integration Limits and Derivatives Methods of Integration
Polynomial Rational Numbers Between Two Rational Numbers Relations and Functions
Relation and Its Types Right Circular Cone Sequence and Series
Square Root Of 4 Square Root Of 5 Square Root Of 7
Statements in Mathematical Reasoning Trapezoids Binary Multiplication
Definite Integral Square Root of 1 Value of sin 15
Continuity and Differentiability Axiomatic Definition of Probability Area Of Quadrant
Rectangle Operations on Rational Numbers Pascals Triangle
Acute Angled Triangle Angle of Elevation Angle Sum Property of a Triangle
Tables of 2 to 30 The volume of a Cylinder Trapezium
Area of a Scalene Triangle Centroid of a Triangle Heptagon
Octagon Permutation and Combination Scalene Triangle
Similar Triangles Surface Area of Cube Surface Area of Cylinder
Volume of Cone Volume of Cuboid Value of Log 1
Decimal Number System Conversion of Units What is Proper Fraction?
Rolle's Theorem Vertical Angles Trigonometry Values
Sec 0 Greatest Integer Function Mean Deviation & Frequency Distribution
Concentric Circles Symmetry Variance
Laws of Exponents Length of Tangent Alternative Hypothesis
Control Charts Straight Angle LCM Of Two Numbers
Bivariate Analysis Surds Square Root of 10
Cos 90 Value Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers Decimal to Binary
Difference Between Square & Rhombus Symmetric Matrix Relation Between Inch and cm
Sin 45 Value Divisibility Rules For 13 Profit and Loss Percentage
Linear Pair Of Angles Line Segment Rational and Irrational Numbers
Euclid Geometry Sec 30 Complimentary and Suplementary Angles
Square root and Cube Root LCM Nature of Roots of a Quadratic Equation
Vertices, Faces and Edges Quadrilateral Angle Sum Property Geometry Symbols
Isosceles Triangle Numbers in Words Angle Between Two Planes
Complex Numbers Addition and Subtraction of Integers Natural Numbers and Whole Numbers
Is 91 a Prime Number? Difference Between Cube and Cuboid Distributive Property
Difference Between Rhombus and Parallelogram Skip Counting Trigonometry Functions of Sum and Difference of Angles
Logarithm Table Vector And Scalar Quantities Data Organization
PEMDAS Secant of a Circle Vector Space
Angle Bisector Theorem Mutually Exclusive Events Statistical Inference
Difference Between Area and Volume How to Find Prime Numbers? 3D Shapes
Division of Line Segment Binary Addition Ordinate
Line Graph Boolean Algebra Latus Rectum of Conic Section
Differential Equation And It's Types Involute Similarity of Triangles
Simple Equations Application Types of Polygon Equation of A Circle
Law of Tangents Data Sets Binary to Octal Conversion
Rational Numbers on a Number Line Cross Section Construction of Triangle
Circles Factors of 36 Probability Distribution
Difference Between Parametric and Non-Parametric Test Number Patterns Whole Numbers Parts of Circle
Square Root of 9 Parallel Lines Oblique Sketch
Direct Proportion Cosine Rules Construction of Quadrilaterals
Right Circular Cylinder Hexadecimal number system Remainder Theorem
Volume of a Prism Missing Numbers Sec 90
Derivatives Multiple of 9 Metric System of Measurement
Parallelogram, Trapezium and Kite Cumulative Frequency Distribution Ratio to Percentage
Factors of 98 Total Probability Theorem Commutative Property
Basic Set Theory Difference Between Area and Surface Area Identity Function
Geometric Distribution Combination Sum of Squares
Factors of 25 Triangle Inequality Complement of a Set
Factor of 105 Arc Categorical Data
Construction of a Rhombus Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion Decimal Expansion of Rational Numbers
Distance Between Two Points Estimation of Numbers Multiplication Theorem of Probability
Properties of Definite Integrals Right Angle Triangle Theorem Section Formula in 3 Dimension
Solids Trigonometric Equations Variance and Standard Deviation
Disjoint Set Application of Linear Equations Area and Perimeter
Factors of 91 Concave Polygon Factors of 42
General Equation of a Line Factors of 100 Factors of a Number
Multiplicative Inverse Linear Differential Equations Inverse Cosine
Fractional Part Function Definition of Signum function Trigonometric Functions
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Physics Concepts

It is always a good idea to start from the basics when it comes to mastering any subject. Along with the clarity of basic concepts, students should be familiar with all the topics.

In this section, you will learn about all the important physics concepts and formulas like Friction, Distance and Displacement, the Difference between heat and temperature and more. Everything in this section is explained in detail using charts and comparison tables for better understanding.


Accuracy Precision and Error in Measurement Ampere Amplitude Modulation
Anemometer : Measurement of Wind Speed Angular Acceleration Atomic Theory
Audible and Inaudible Sound Average Speed and Average Velocity Average Velocity
Avogadros Number Avogadros Hypothesis Azimuthal Quantum Number
Balanced Force Bar Magnet Biconvex Lens
Boyles Law Buoyancy Calorimeter
Carnot Engine Celestial Bodies Centripetal And Centrifugal Force
Concave and Convex Lenses Concave Convex Mirrors Contact and Non Contact Force
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Convection Currents Convex Lens
Convex Mirror Destructive Interference Difference Between Conduction Convection and Radiation
Difference Between Electric Field and Magnetic Field Difference Between Heat And Temperature Difference Between Series And Parallel Circuits
Differences Between Acceleration And Velocity Distance and Displacement Distance Time Graph
Electrical Force : Electric Forces and Their Types Electromagnetic Waves : Definition, Equation and Properties of Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetism
Electron Spin Fluid Flow : Bernoullis Equation Derivation and Fluid Mechanics Fluid Friction : Types and Factors of Fluid Friction
Frames of Reference : Inertial and Non- Inertial Frame of Reference Frequency and Wavelength Frictional Force
Importance of Hydrosphere Instantaneous Speed and Velocity Introduction to Motion
Kinetic and Potential Energy Difference Law Of Conservation of Energy Layers of the Earth
Light Energy Light Sources List of physics scientists and Their inventions
Loudness of Sound Magnetic Dipole Moment Magnetic Field
Non - Contact Force Non - Renewable Energy Ohms Law
Optics P Wave Physics Symbols
Plane Mirrors Poissons Ratio Projectile Motion
Properties of Water : Anomalous Expansion of Water Radius of Gyration Reflection of Light
Reflection of Waves Relative Density Resonance
Reverberation Rolling Friction Rotation and Revolution
Screw Gauge Semiconductors and Insulators Sliding Friction
Speed Time Graphs Static Friction Stefan Boltzmann Law
Stress Tension Tension Force
Thermometer: Clinical Laboratory Thermometer Types of Rocks Types of Waves
Uniform Motion and Non Uniform Motion Unit of Voltage Uses of Convex Lens
Uses Of Convex Mirror Uses of Electromagnet Uses of Optical Fibre
Wave Wavelength of Light What is Scattering of Light
Working of Electric Bell Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy Buoyant Force
Bulk Modulus of Elasticity Bernoulli’s Principle Angular Momentum
Difference Between Speed And Velocity Force Unit of Heat
Difference between Distance and Displacement Simple Microscope Derivation Of Equation Of Motion
Thermometer: Clinical & Laboratory Thermometer Difference between Concave and Convex Lens Derivation Of Lens Maker Formula
Unit Of Pressure Velocity Uses of Plane Mirror
Wave Theory of Light Unit of Density Unit of Light
Unit of Force Unit of Magnetic Field Unit of wavelength
Unit of Viscosity Uses of Electroplating Young's Modulus
What is the Scattering of Light Lenz Law Space Wave Propagation
Schrodinger Wave Equation Relation between Fahrenheit and Celsius Refractive Index
Potentiometer Working Pascal Law Oscillatory Motion
Optical Instruments Newton's Laws of Motion - First Law Modulation and Demodulation
Magnetic Flux Lens Formula and Magnification Kaleidoscope
Faradays Law Epsilon Naught Value Energy Bands
Electrostatics Electroscope AC Generator
Unit of Current Lithosphere Bending Equation Derivation
Difference Between Pound and Kilogram Semiconductor Devices OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Hall Effect Rectilinear Propagation of Light Difference Between Ammeter and Voltmeter
Coefficient of Linear Expansion Ampere’s Law Cyclone and Thunderstorm
Save The Environment From Pollution Particle Nature of Light Types of DC Motor
Uses Of Transistor Derivation of Phase Rule Unit of Humidity
Difference between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze Relation Between Critical Angle And Refractive Index Derivation of Escape Velocity
Unit of Speed Elastic Collision Linear Velocity
Reversible and Irreversible Processes Relation Between Density And Volume Relation Between Group Velocity And Phase Velocity
Thermal Stress Mirrors Conversion of Units
Modulation Unit of Weight Stokes Law Derivation
Kirchhoff’s Second Law Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator Quark
Difference Between Discovery and Invention Nuclear Fission Ultrasound
Principle Of Calorimetry Differences Between Magma and Lava Types Of Wind
Difference Between Work and Energy Schottky Diode Kinetic Theory Of Gases
Thermal Properties of Materials Relation Between Kinetic Energy And Momentum Work Done By A Variable Force
Solenoid and Toroid Difference between Light Microscope and Electron Microscope Doppler Effect Derivation
Determine Refractive Index of a Glass Slab using a Travelling Microscope Relation between Torque and Speed Current Density
Electric Displacement Impending Motion Latent Heat of Water
Infrared Radiation Vector Product Of Two Vectors Alpha Decay1
Centripetal Acceleration Newton's Third Law Of Motion Biogas Energy
Tracing the Path of a Ray of Light Passing Through a Rectangular Glass Slab Unit of Conductivity Pulley
Resistor LCR Circuit Difference Between Force and Pressure
Viscosity Einstein's Explanationx Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
Types of Lever Permeability Adiabatic Process
Fleming's Left Hand Rule And Right Hand Rule Spherical Mirrors Heat Transfer By Convection
Stress and Strain Displacement Current Unit of Electric Field
Electromagnetic Induction Diode Critical Velocity
Carbon Resistor Electric Charge Derivation of Continuity Equation
Mach Number Coherent Sources Rigid Bodies
Resolving Power of a Microscope and Telescope Angular Displacement Unit of Momentum
Chandrasekhar Limit Difference Between Real Image and Virtual Image Electromagnets
Viscosity Einstein's Explanationx Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
Kinetic Energy Van De Graaff Generator Derivation of Kinetic Energy Formula
Kinetics and Kinematics Frequency, Time period and Angular frequency Unit of Torque
Capacitance Difference Between AM and FM Boltzmann’s Constant
Planck’s Constant Laws of Reflection Drift Velocity
Malthusian Theory of Population Stars Planets and their Difference Tensile Stress
Joule-Thomson Effect Stefan Boltzmann Constant Compressive Stress
Wave Function Difference Between Density and Specific Gravity Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Determine Radius of Curvature of a Given Spherical Surface by a Spherometer Uniformly Accelerated Motion Conservative Force
Biot Savart Law Deuteron Mass Power
Power of a Lens Refraction and Dispersion of Light Sphygmomanometer
Uniform Circular Motion Unit of Distance Unit of Energy
Uses of Rectifier Unit of Inductance Law Equipartition Energy
Periodic Motion Determination of Focal Length of Concave Mirror and Convex Mirror Optical Density
Characteristics of a Transistor Scintifllation Counter Difference Between Earthing And Grounding
White Light Optical Fiber Relative Speed
Unit of Work Coefficient of Viscosity Neutrons, Isotopes, Isotones And Isobars
Electric Circuit Difference Between Scalar and Vector Difference Between Two Stroke and Four Stroke Engines
Unit of Velocity Zener Diode Gamma Rays - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Permittivity and Permeability Tidal Energy Difference Between Resistance and Resistivity
Uses of Vernier Calipers Human Eye Function Shearing Stress
Value of Gravitational Constant Value of Electron Difference Between LCD and LED
Pinhole Camera Single Slit Diffraction Difference Between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Wheatstone Bridge Unit of Resistance Banking of Roads
Scalar and vector Density of Water Cyclotron
Unit of Specific Resistance Types of Cables Modern Physics
Uses of Concave Mirror Magnetic Moment Law of Conservation of Momentum Derivation
Magnet Rectilinear Motion of Particles Difference Between Mass and Weight
Archimedes Principle Refraction of Light Types of Motors
Types of Gears Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Cell Escape Velocity and Orbital velocity
Natural Sources of Energy Difference Between Frequency Modulation and Amplitude Modulation Fick’s Law of Diffusion
Faraday Electromagnetic Induction Experiment Prism Dispersion Continuous Charge Distribution
Capacitor Types Geothermal Energy Force and Momentum
Resistors in Series and Parallel Configuration Work and Power Raman Effect
Difference Between Asteroid and Comet Thermal Energy Storage Types of Connectors
Hydroelectricity and Hydropower Plant Conduction of Electricity in Liquids Linear Accelerator
Maxwell's Relations AC Voltage Resistor Law of Conservation of Charge
Kinetic Theory of Gases Assumptions Reflection of Light Image Centre of mass of continuous mass distribution
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Chemistry Concepts

Learning and understanding chemistry concepts, formulas and their definitions can be a little overwhelming for students. Our “Chemistry Concepts” section will act as a quick guide for students, whether basics or advanced concepts, you can find everything here.

All the topics are explained so well using charts and comparison tables that students from any class can understand them with ease. In this section, you will learn about a plethora of chemistry topics like Distillation, Acids and Bases, Elements Charts, Charles Law and many more interesting topics.


118 Elements and Their Symbols and Atomic Numbers Acetone Acid And Base Difference
Acids Bases and Salts Actinides Addition Reaction
Adsorption Chromatography Aldol Condensation Alkali Metals
Ammonium Chloride Applications of Redox Reactions Argon
Arrhenius Equation Rate Constant And Temperature Atomic Number Mass Number Aufbau Principle
Aufbau Principle, Paulis Exclusion Principle and Hands Rule Bakelite: Structure and Uses Benzene Reactions
Benzoic Acid - Structure and Properties Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Calcium Oxide
Cathode Ray Experiment Charles Law Chemical And Its Composition
Chemical Formula of Common Compounds Classification Of Carbohydrates and Its Structure Classification of Organic Compounds
Coefficient of Viscosity - Definition, Formula and Example Colligative Properties beRelative Lowering of Vapour Pressure Colloidal Solution
Components of Air Condensation Conformation
Cracking Meaning Crystallization Decantation
Decomposition Reaction Dehydration of Alcohols Difference Between Alkali and Base
Difference Between Atom And Ion Difference Between Atom and Molecule Difference Between CNG and LPG
Difference between Compound and Mixture Difference Between Element And Compound Difference Between Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Difference Between Mixture and Solution Difference Between Molecule and Compounds Difference Between Organic And Inorganic Compounds
Difference between Physical and Chemical Change Difference between Vapor and Gas Disaccharides
Discovery of Protons and Neutrons Distillation Effects of Burning Fossil Fuels
Electromeric Effect Electron Configuration Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements
Electronic Configuration of Iron Electroplating Process Endothermic Reaction
Enthalpy Change Enzyme Catalysis Ester
Ester Hydrolysis Ethanoic Acid Exothermic Reaction
Filtration Fuel Types Functions of Nucleic Acids
Glycerin Glycine Structure Glycogen
Gravimetric Analysis Group 17 Trends Properties Heat Capacity Cp Cv Relation
Heavy Water Homogeneous Mixture and Heterogeneous Mixture Hunds Rule
Hybridization Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide
Introduction: Importance of Forest IR Spectroscopy Iron
Krypton Lewis Dot Structures Metallic Bonds
Metals and Nonmetals Methanol Mineral Resources
Mixtures Modern Periodic Table and Its Significance Mole Concept
Monosaccharides NaHCO3 Natural Polymers
Neutralization Reaction Non Metals Oxalic Acid
Oxygen Periodic Table Elements Periodic Trends in Properties of Elements
Pesticides Phenol Preparation Phosphoric Acid
Physical and Chemical Properties of Carbon Physical And Chemical Properties of Water Physical Change and Chemical Change
Polarity Polymers Uses Polyvinyl Alcohol
Positron Potassium Potassium Dichromate - Formula, Properties and Uses
Potassium Permanganate Precipitation Reaction Preparation of Benzene
Preparation Properties and uses of Sodium Chloride Properties of Boron Family Properties of Solution
Redox Titration Relation Between Normality And Molarity Rusting Iron Prevention
Rutherford Atomic Model Rutherford Atomic Model Shapes of Molecules Vsepr Theory
Shapes of Orbitals Sieving SilkWorm - Life Cycle of Silkworm, Diagram
Silver Nitrate Soaps And Detergents Sodium Hydroxide
Structure of Benzene Sublimation Synthetic Fibres And Natural Fibres
Synthetic Polymers Tollens Test Toluene
Transition Metals Tyndall Effect Types of Organic Reactions
Types of Solutions Types of Titration - Acid Base Titration Unsaturated Solutions
Ununoctium Ununpentium Uses of Acetone
Uses of Air Uses of Bauxite Uses of Carboxylic Acid
Uses of Coal Uses of Ethers Health In Care Industry Uses of Formaldehyde
Uses of Graphite Uses of Methanol and Ethanol Uses of Minerals
Uses Of Nitric Acid Uses of Phenol Uses of Propanol
Uses of Sulfuric Acid Uses of Water Valence Bond Theory
Volumetric Analysis Waste Water Cycle Process
What is Dipole Moment? What is Eutrophication? What is Metallurgy?
Wurtz Reaction Mohr’s Salt Titration with KMnO4 Gattermann Reaction
Benzene Brown Ring Test Calcium Carbonate
Cotton and its Various Uses Difference between Petrol and Diesel Engine Difference between Sigma and Pi Bond
Element-Manganese (Mn) Friedel Crafts Reaction Hofmann Elimination
Isomerism Laws of Chemical Combination Mannich Reaction
Methods of separation Molisch’s Test Name Reactions
NMR Spectroscopy Non – Aqueous Titration Ozonolysis Mechanism – Ozonolysis of Alkenes and Alkynes
Periodic Classification of Elements Pinacol Pinacolone Rearrangement Planck’s Quantum Theory
Pseudo First Order Reaction Rosenmund Reduction Mechanism Salt Analysis
Saponification Science in Everyday life and Its Importance Sericulture: Rearing of Silkworm to Produce Silk
Spectrophotometer Principle Zone Refining  
Reactivity Series Difference between isotropic and anisotropic Introduction to p-Block elements
Plant fibres Inert Gases: Uses Benzoin Condensation
Difference between primary cell and secondary cell Partition Chromatography Applications of colloids
Displacement Reactions Handpicking Biogas: Uses of Biogas
Acid Rain Types of Chemical Reactions SN2 Reaction Mechanism
Complexometric Titration markovnikov rule Kohlrausch Law
Electrode Valency Chart Order of Reaction
Band Theory Difference Between Rusting and Corrosion Potentiometric Titration
Frenkel Defect Deforestation Stephen Reaction Mechanism
Gattermann – Koch Reaction Mechanism Electronegativity Industrial Waste: Types
Ethylene Charge to Mass Ratio of an Electron Fehling Solution
Photochemical Reactions Difference Between Endpoint and Equivalence Point Second Order Reaction
Etard Reaction Forms of water Preparation of Acetanilide
Metallic Minerals and Non-Metallic Minerals Ferric Chloride Henry's Law
Preparation of Mohr's salt Schottky Defect Claisen rearrangement
Calcium sulphate Sodium carbonate Rubber
Ethyl acetate Conductometric Titration Resorcinol
Difference Between Evaporation and Condensation States of Matter Boric Acid
Types of Minerals Finkelstein Reaction Electronegativity Chart
Difference between Solid, Liquid and Gas in tabular form Aromaticity Drawbacks of Rutherford's Atomic Model
Thermosetting Polymers Preparation of Alkanes Examples of Bases
Suzuki Coupling Reaction Standard Electrode Potential Disadvantages of Plastics
Reducing Agent Van't Hoff Factor Hard Water and Soft Water
Organometallic compounds Gay Lussac's Law Slaked Lime
Borax Tetravalency of Carbon Boyle's Law
Ellingham Diagram Crystal Defects : Point Defects HVZ Reaction (Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky Reaction)
Classification of Drugs Preparation of Sulfuric Acid Lucas test
Xenon Difluoride Bravais Lattice Classification of Oxides
Elimination Reaction preparation of polythene, Teflon and polyacrylonitrile Difference between cations and anions
Uses of Limestone Fructose Azeotropes
Lewis Acid and Base Emulsification Dielectric properties of solids
Zwitterion Birch Reduction Mechanism Oxidation and Reduction
Electrophilic Substitution Reaction Suspensions Aromatic Compounds
Ores and Minerals Adsorption theory of heterogeneous catalysis Wittig Reaction
Difference between evaporation and boiling Intensive And Extensive Properties Of Matter Electronic Configuration of Group 16 Elements
Difference Between Elements and Atoms Sodium Oxide Gypsum
Difference Between Alloy and Composite Chemical Equations Thorium
Lead Acid Battery Isotopes of Hydrogen Significant Figure Rules
Electrophilic Addition Reactions Of Alkenes Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas Potassium Chloride - KCl
Aluminum Oxide Difference Between Acetic Acid and Glacial Acetic Acid Difference Between Polar and Nonpolar
Difference Between Baking Powder and Baking Soda Test for Phenolic group To prepare colloidal solution of starch
Uses of Mica Pi Bonds Potassium Chlorate
Schmidt Reaction High density Polyethylene Huckel's Rule
Discovery of Proton Aluminium Ore: Extraction of Aluminium Benzene Hexachloride
Caustic Potash or Potasium Hydroxide Electromagnetic Radiation - Wave Nature Atomic Number and Mass Number, Isotopes and Isobars
Preparation of Potash Alum Beckmann Rearrangement Heterogeneous Equilibrium
Butane Factors Affecting Electrolytic Conductance Scandium
Homogeneous Equilibrium Phenols Nomenclcature Galvanic Corrosion
Chlorine Trifluoride Robinson Annulation Copper
Pyridine Silver Carbonate Harmful Effects of Radiation
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Biology Concepts

Biology is the compilation of two terms, bio and logy. Bio means life, and logy is science or study. Biology is a content-based subject, and students should be familiar with all the terms and concepts as they have to memorize them for exams.

Biology is a vast subject and can be categorized into many topics and sub-topics. In this section, you will learn about all the essential concepts of Biology along with their definitions and detailed explanations.


Active Transport Adaptive radiation evolution Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
Agricultural Implements Algae Alimentary Canal Anatomy
Angiosperms And Gymnosperms Difference Animal Cell Apiculture Beekeeping
Apoplast Asexual Reproduction Animals Autotrophic Nutrition
Biodiversity Biotic and Abiotic Bryophyta
Budding Camouflage Cattle Farming Animal Husbandry
Cell Structure and Function Cell Wall and Cell Membrane Cells
Chloroplasts Chromatin Classification of Animal Kingdom
Composition of Lymph Conduction of Nerve Impulse Cyclic and Non Cyclic 
Cyclic Photophosphorylation Cytoplasm Structure Function Difference Between Active and Passive Transport
Difference Between Archaea And Bacteria Difference Between Blood And Lymphth Difference Between Cerebellum And Cerebrum
Difference Between Chromosome And Chromatid Difference Between Diffusion and Osmosis Difference Between DNA and RNA
Difference Between Haploid And Diploid Difference Between Plant Cell and Animal Cell Difference between Renewable and Non Renewable Resources
Difference Between Unicellular And Multicellular Organisms Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates Difference between Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles
Difference Between Xylem and Phloem Different Types Ecological Pyramids Diffusion - Means of Transport
Disadvantages of Dams Ecology Endemic Species
Endocrine System Ductless Glands Energy Flow In Ecosystem Excretion and Its Importance
Food Production Food Web Fragmentation
Gemmules Gibberellins In Plants Grassland Adaptations
Guttation Gymnosperms Harmful Microorganisms
Homeostasis Human Body Anatomy Human Heart
Invertebrates Kingdom Monera Protista Fungi Law of Segregation and Law of Dominance
Life process Light-dependent Reactions Lipids
Living Things Macromolecule Meiosis 1 Stages and Process
Mendelian Disorders Microbodies Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution
Monera Nephron Function Renal Tubules Nuclear Membrane
Nucleolus Nucleus Our Environment
Parasitism Parts of Plants Passive Transport
Plant Cell Plant Kingdom Plantae Plant Respiration
Plants Plastids Protista
Red Data Book Reproductive System of Earthworm Ribosomes
Scientific Names of Animals and Plants Seed germination Sensory Perception
Snail Skeletal System Spermatogenesis Structure Of Eye
Taxonomic Hierarchy Taxonomy Algae
Thallophyte Types of Soil Vacuoles
What Is Adaptation Agricultural Practices Animal Kingdom
Alimentary Canal Coelenterata Conservation of Forest and Wildlife
Difference between Endosmosis and Exosmosis Difference between Afforestation and Deforestation Difference between Algae and Fungi
Difference between Cereals and Pulses Difference Between Fragmentation and Regeneration Difference Between Neurosis and Psychosis
Difference Between Nucleotide and Nucleoside Difference Between Sea and Ocean Difference Between Turtles and Tortoises
Difference Between Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park Modes of Plant Reproduction Ecological Pyramid and Its Types
Double Fertilization in Angiosperms Ecosystem Enzymes
Fertilisation in Plants Five Kingdoms Classification Flower
Ganongs Potometer Health and Hygiene Herbivores and Carnivores
Heterotrophic Nutrition Human Digestive System Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Morphology of Leaves Modifications of Root Phylum Aschelminthes
Diffusion Osmosis Prokaryotic Cells
Reproduction Flora And Fauna Overview of Food Chain
Difference Between Rabi And Kharif Crops Vegetative Propagation Transpiration
Soil Profile Types of Pollution Human Excretory System
Sense Organs Rainwater Harvesting Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells
Living And Non Living Things The Nucleus Irrigation
Endoplasmic Reticulum Difference Between Data And Information Mitochondria
Nitrogen Cycle Diagram of Animal Cell Meristematic Tissue
Law of Segregation Law of Dominance Eukaryotic Cells Food Sources Animal Plant Products
Photosynthesis Respiration Ozone Layer Depletion
Kingdom Fungi Aerobic Anaerobic Respiration Cell Organelles
Peristalsis Bacteria Oogenesis
Leaves Morphology Types Modification Mitosis and Meiosis Dna Structure
How Do Organisms Reproduce Diagram of Stomata Monohybrid Cross Inheritance One Gene
Mechanism of Breathing Soil Erosion Plasmolysis
Urine Formation Osmoregulation Porifera Flagella
Amoeba Aerobic Respiration Pteridophyta
Arteries And Veins Difference Reflex Action Stomata
Cell Wall Diagram of Neuron A Guide To Composition And Function Of Lymph
Difference Between Ligaments And Tendons Insectivorous Plants Nutrition Modes Living Organisms
Mendel Laws Of Inheritance Nutrition In Amoeba Calorific Value
Air Pollution Control Fertilization In Plants Life Processes
Binary Fission Omnivores Saprophytes
Asexual Reproduction Deficiency Diseases Light Reaction Vs Dark Reaction
Global Warming Wildlife Sanctuary Viviparous Oviparous Embryo Development
Glycolysis Food Preservation Methods Food Poisoning Crops
Biofertilizers Biodiversity Conservation Difference Between Endocrine And Exocrine Glands
Greenhouse Effect Gases Diagram Of Digestive System Crop Production And Management
Types Of Pollination Introduction and Characteristics of Living Beings Meristematic Cells
Taxonomical Aids _Flora, Manual, Monograph And Catalogues Types of leaves structure of skeletal muscle
spirometry human respiratory system herbarium
dinoflagellates general characters and structure of leaf halophiles and their features
Exchange of Gases Simple Permanent tissue Morphology of root and its types
Complex permanent tissues Regions of Root History of classification and its need
Breathing And Exchange Of Gases Transport of Gases Regulation of Respiration
Disorders of Respiratory System Interaction of Haemoglobin with Other Gases Amniocentesis
Anatomy of flowering plants ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (ARTs) Meristematic Cells
Phloems Population explosion Reproductive Health
RCH (Reproductive and Child Health Care) Medical termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Plant kingdom
Biological Systems of Classification & Branches of Taxonomy Pteridophytes Gymnosperms
Angiosperms Life cycle Patterns Anatomy of Roots
Contraceptives Anatomy of stem Algae
Bryophytes Tissues and its types STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
Cell - The Basic Unit of Life & its Historical background Cell theory and its modification An Overview of Cell
Secondary growth in dicot stem Tissue system and types Prokaryotic (Bacterial) cell
Ribosomes Eukaryotic cell Cell: The basic unit of life
Cytoskeleton Centrosome and Centriole Cilia and flagella
Nucleus Chromosomes Evolution
Movement and Locomotion Human Reproduction Absorption and Translocation of Solutes
Soil as a reservoir of Essential Elements LOCOMOTION AND MOVEMENT Mechanism of Muscle Contraction
Morphology in Flowering Plants Contractile proteins Muscular System
Thyroid Puberty Hormones
Origin of Universe Hypothalamus Cell wall
Mitochondria Special Chromosomes Microbodies
Introduction, Hydroponics and the study of mineral requirements of the plants Criteria of essentiality and Categorisation of Essential elements Deficiency symptoms of essential elements and toxicity
The Stem The Root Cytoplasm and cell membrane
Mineral Nutrition Male Reproductive System Phylum Ctenophora
Role of Macronutrients Role of Micronutrients Phylum - Coelenterata / Cnidaria
Reptilia Aves Mammalia
Anatomy of the leaf Animal kingdom Phylum Annelida
Phylum Mollusca Phylum Echinodermata Vertebrata
Chordates Disorders of circulatory system Abiotic Factors
Male Reproductive System Kingdom Animalia Responses to Abiotic Factors
Female Reproductive System Mammary Glands Pregnancy and Embryonic Development
Cell Cancer Disorders of the Digestive System
Infertility Morphology of Cockroach Blood and Plasma
Alternation of Generations and Classification Predation Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae
Phylum Coelenterata Phylum Porifera Phylum Platyhelminthes
Chromosomal Disorders Competition Taxonomic Aids
Alternation of generation in Pteridophytes Disorders of muscular and skeletal system General Characteristics of Living
Digestive Glands Stomach Testis
Buccal cavity Seed Common Diseases in Humans
Permanent Tissue Permanent Tissues Xylem Pteridophytes Characteristics
Parasitism and Commensalism Water Pollution and Its Control Differentiation, Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation
Organism and its Environment Carbohydrates Greenhouse Effect Gases
Amino Acids
Dynamic State of Body Constituents Photosynthesis Chloroplast
Features of Living Beings Blood Group  Lipids
Kingdom Protista dense connective tissue connective tissue cartilage
connective tissue blood plant cell viruses
the stem Connective Tissue Bone Viroids Prions Lichens
Animal cell Prokaryotic Cell Taxonomic Aids Herbarium and Museum
Sphygmomanometer and ECG Population Attributes Noise pollution
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