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Physics Concepts

Physics Concepts

Physics is one of those subjects that needs to be understood rather than memorized. In general, a large number of students tend to forget the formulas or either their application. Physics consists of complex formulas and it is very important for students to understand the reasoning behind the formulas if they want to excel in this subject.

Our “Physics Concepts'' section has been meticulously curated in a way that covers everything from basic concepts like the law of motion to complex topics like thermodynamics along with their formulas, definitions, faqs and correct application with examples.

Accuracy Precision and Error in Measurement Ampere Amplitude Modulation
Anemometer : Measurement of Wind Speed Angular Acceleration Atomic Theory
Audible and Inaudible Sound Average Speed and Average Velocity Average Velocity
Avogadros Number Avogadros Hypothesis Azimuthal Quantum Number
Balanced Force Bar Magnet Biconvex Lens
Boyles Law Buoyancy Calorimeter
Carnot Engine Celestial Bodies Centripetal And Centrifugal Force
Concave and Convex Lenses Concave Convex Mirrors Contact and Non Contact Force
Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Convection Currents Convex Lens
Convex Mirror Destructive Interference Difference Between Conduction Convection and Radiation
Difference Between Electric Field and Magnetic Field Difference Between Heat And Temperature Difference Between Series And Parallel Circuits
Differences Between Acceleration And Velocity Distance and Displacement Distance Time Graph
Electrical Force : Electric Forces and Their Types Electromagnetic Waves : Definition, Equation and Properties of Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetism
Electron Spin Fluid Flow : Bernoullis Equation Derivation and Fluid Mechanics Fluid Friction : Types and Factors of Fluid Friction
Frames of Reference : Inertial and Non- Inertial Frame of Reference Frequency and Wavelength Frictional Force
Importance of Hydrosphere Instantaneous Speed and Velocity Introduction to Motion
Kinetic and Potential Energy Difference Law Of Conservation of Energy Layers of the Earth
Light Energy Light Sources List of physics scientists and Their inventions
Loudness of Sound Magnetic Dipole Moment Magnetic Field
Non - Contact Force Non - Renewable Energy Ohms Law
Optics P Wave Physics Symbols
Plane Mirrors Poissons Ratio Projectile Motion
Properties of Water : Anomalous Expansion of Water Radius of Gyration Reflection of Light
Reflection of Waves Relative Density Resonance
Reverberation Rolling Friction Rotation and Revolution
Screw Gauge Semiconductors and Insulators Sliding Friction
Speed Time Graphs Static Friction Stefan Boltzmann Law
Stress Tension Tension Force
Thermometer: Clinical Laboratory Thermometer Types of Rocks Types of Waves
Uniform Motion and Non Uniform Motion Unit of Voltage Uses of Convex Lens
Uses Of Convex Mirror Uses of Electromagnet Uses of Optical Fibre
Wave Wavelength of Light What is Scattering of Light
Working of Electric Bell Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy Buoyant Force
Bulk Modulus of Elasticity Bernoulli’s Principle Angular Momentum
Difference Between Speed And Velocity Force Unit of Heat
Difference between Distance and Displacement Simple Microscope Derivation Of Equation Of Motion
Thermometer: Clinical & Laboratory Thermometer Difference between Concave and Convex Lens Derivation Of Lens Maker Formula
Unit Of Pressure Velocity Uses of Plane Mirror
Wave Theory of Light Unit of Density Unit of Light
Unit of Force Unit of Magnetic Field Unit of wavelength
Unit of Viscosity Uses of Electroplating Young's Modulus
What is the Scattering of Light Lenz Law Space Wave Propagation
Schrodinger Wave Equation Relation between Fahrenheit and Celsius Refractive Index
Potentiometer Working Pascal Law Oscillatory Motion
Optical Instruments Newton's Laws of Motion - First Law Modulation and Demodulation
Magnetic Flux Lens Formula and Magnification Kaleidoscope
Faradays Law Epsilon Naught Value Energy Bands
Electrostatics Electroscope AC Generator
Unit of Current Lithosphere Bending Equation Derivation
Difference Between Pound and Kilogram Semiconductor Devices OTEC - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Hall Effect Rectilinear Propagation of Light Difference Between Ammeter and Voltmeter
Coefficient of Linear Expansion Ampere’s Law Cyclone and Thunderstorm
Save The Environment From Pollution Particle Nature of Light Types of DC Motor
Uses Of Transistor Derivation of Phase Rule Unit of Humidity
Difference between Land Breeze and Sea Breeze Relation Between Critical Angle And Refractive Index Derivation of Escape Velocity
Unit of Speed Elastic Collision Linear Velocity
Reversible and Irreversible Processes Relation Between Density And Volume Relation Between Group Velocity And Phase Velocity
Thermal Stress Mirrors Conversion of Units
Modulation Unit of Weight Stokes Law Derivation
Kirchhoff’s Second Law Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator Quark
Difference Between Discovery and Invention Nuclear Fission Ultrasound
Principle Of Calorimetry Differences Between Magma and Lava Types Of Wind
Difference Between Work and Energy Schottky Diode Kinetic Theory Of Gases
Thermal Properties of Materials Relation Between Kinetic Energy And Momentum Work Done By A Variable Force
Solenoid and Toroid Difference between Light Microscope and Electron Microscope Doppler Effect Derivation
Determine Refractive Index of a Glass Slab using a Travelling Microscope Relation between Torque and Speed Current Density
Electric Displacement Impending Motion Latent Heat of Water
Infrared Radiation Vector Product Of Two Vectors Alpha Decay1
Centripetal Acceleration Newton's Third Law Of Motion Biogas Energy
Tracing the Path of a Ray of Light Passing Through a Rectangular Glass Slab Unit of Conductivity Pulley
Resistor LCR Circuit Difference Between Force and Pressure
Viscosity Einstein's Explanationx Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
Types of Lever Permeability Adiabatic Process
Fleming's Left Hand Rule And Right Hand Rule Spherical Mirrors Heat Transfer By Convection
Stress and Strain Displacement Current Unit of Electric Field
Electromagnetic Induction Diode Critical Velocity
Carbon Resistor Electric Charge Derivation of Continuity Equation
Mach Number Coherent Sources Rigid Bodies
Resolving Power of a Microscope and Telescope Angular Displacement Unit of Momentum
Chandrasekhar Limit Difference Between Real Image and Virtual Image Electromagnets
Viscosity Einstein's Explanationx Sea Breeze and Land Breeze
Kinetic Energy Van De Graaff Generator Derivation of Kinetic Energy Formula
Kinetics and Kinematics Frequency, Time period and Angular frequency Unit of Torque
Capacitance Difference Between AM and FM Boltzmann’s Constant
Planck’s Constant Laws of Reflection Drift Velocity
Malthusian Theory of Population Stars Planets and their Difference Tensile Stress
Joule-Thomson Effect Stefan Boltzmann Constant Compressive Stress
Wave Function Difference Between Density and Specific Gravity Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Determine Radius of Curvature of a Given Spherical Surface by a Spherometer Uniformly Accelerated Motion Conservative Force
Biot Savart Law Deuteron Mass Power
Power of a Lens Refraction and Dispersion of Light Sphygmomanometer
Uniform Circular Motion Unit of Distance Unit of Energy
Uses of Rectifier Unit of Inductance Law Equipartition Energy
Periodic Motion Determination of Focal Length of Concave Mirror and Convex Mirror Optical Density
Characteristics of a Transistor Scintillation Counter Difference Between Earthing And Grounding
White Light Optical Fiber Relative Speed
Unit of Work Coefficient of Viscosity Neutrons, Isotopes, Isotones And Isobars
Electric Circuit Difference Between Scalar and Vector Difference Between Two Stroke and Four Stroke Engines
Unit of Velocity Zener Diode Gamma Rays - Electromagnetic Spectrum
Permittivity and Permeability Tidal Energy Difference Between Resistance and Resistivity
Uses of Vernier Calipers Human Eye Function Shearing Stress
Value of Gravitational Constant Value of Electron Difference Between LCD and LED
Pinhole Camera Single Slit Diffraction Difference Between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
Wheatstone Bridge Unit of Resistance Banking of Road
Scalar and vector Density of Water Cyclotron
Unit of Specific Resistance Types of Cables Modern Physics
Uses of Concave Mirror Magnetic Moment Law of Conservation of Momentum Derivation
Magnet Rectilinear Motion of Particles Difference Between Mass and Weight
Archimedes Principle Refraction of Light Types of Motors
Types of Gears Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Cell Escape Velocity and Orbital velocity
Natural Sources of Energy Difference Between Frequency Modulation and Amplitude Modulation Fick’s Law of Diffusion
Faraday Electromagnetic Induction Experiment Prism Dispersion Continuous Charge Distribution
Capacitor Types Geothermal Energy Force and Momentum
Resistors in Series and Parallel Configuration Work and Power Raman Effect
Difference Between Asteroid and Comet Thermal Energy Storage Types of Connectors
Hydroelectricity and Hydropower Plant Conduction of Electricity in Liquids Linear Accelerator
Maxwell's Relations AC Voltage Resistor Law of Conservation of Charge
Kinetic Theory of Gases Assumptions Reflection of Light Image Centre of mass of continuous mass distribution
Speed Velocity Motion Parameters
Acceleration Derivation of equations of motion Vernier Caliper
Position Time and  Velocity time graphs Motion Under Gravity Classification of animals based on levels of organisation
Tension Screw Gauge Scalar and Vector
Types of Vector Beats Force its unit and dimension
Newtons First Law Of Motion Newtons second law of motion Linear Momentum
Kinetic Friction Vector Subtraction Lamis Theorm
Vector Addition Parallax Method Rule for Significant Figure
Power Dimension Dimensional Analysis
Difference between heat and temperature Measurement of Temperature Centre of mass of solid hollow sphere hemisphere
Work Energy Theorem Potential Energy Application of Newtons second law of motion
Newton Third Law of Motion Conservation of Mechanical Energy Free Body Diagram
Resultant Force Vertical Circular Motion Work Done
Coulombs Law Electric Dipole Stress
Normal Stress and Types Moment of Inertia Waves
Transverse Wave Connected Motion Longitudinal Strain
Radiation Young's Modulus Convection
Dipole Electric Field Static Friction Nuclear Fission
Pseudo Force Nuclear Fusion Beta Decay
Nuclear Force Alpha Decay Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
Lamis Theorem Velocity and Acceleration Time Graph Moment of Inertia of Rigid Bodies
Gauss’s Law Periodic and Oscillatory Motion Newton's Law of Cooling
Perpendicular & Parallel Axis Theorem Friction On Inclined Plane Kirchhoff's Law
Shear Strain Gamma Decay Charge Contained Symmetrical Objects
Parallel and Perpendicular Mirrors Photoelectric Effect Transformer
Density Surface Tension Angle of Contact
Longitudinal Wave Heat Capacity Centre of Gravity
Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets Torque Einstein's Photoelectric Equation
Progressive Wave Inclined Plane Mirrors Types of Transformers
Velocity of Image in Plane Mirror Concave Lens Eye and its Defects
Fluid Atmospheric and Gauge Pressure Excess Pressure Inside Bubble and Drop
Capillarity Sound Wave Pascal's Law
Stress Strain Curve Compound Microscope Telescopes
Power in AC Circuit Impedance in Series LCR Circuit Mean and RMS Value
Mirror Formula Alternating Current Magnification in Spherical Mirror
Cells Power of Mirror and Lens Resistor Color Code
Kirchhoff's Rule Conversion of Galvanometer to Ammeter X-rays Production
Properties of X-Rays Continuous X-ray Thermal Expansion
Hysteresis Curve Angular Impulse Interference of Sound
Simple Pendulum Simple Harmonic Motion Voltmeter
Ammeter Wheatstone Bridge Meter Bridge
Prism Superposition of Waves Interference of Waves
Resolution of Vectors Thermal Stress and Strain Velocity and Acceleration
Scalar Product Vector Product Torsional Pendulum
Combination of Resistors Electroplating Uses Scope and Excitement of Physics
Conduction What is Science Speed of Traveling Wave
Distance Formula Kinematics of Circular Motion Non Uniform Motion
Gamma Rays Radio Waves Displacement
Electromagnetic Spectrum Maxwell’s Equations  
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