agra,ahmedabad,ajmer,akola,aligarh,ambala,amravati,amritsar,aurangabad,ayodhya,bangalore,bareilly,bathinda,bhagalpur,bhilai,bhiwani,bhopal,bhubaneswar,bikaner,bilaspur,bokaro,chandigarh,chennai,coimbatore,cuttack,dehradun,delhi ncr,dhanbad,dibrugarh,durgapur,faridabad,ferozpur,gandhinagar,gaya,ghaziabad,goa,gorakhpur,greater noida,gurugram,guwahati,gwalior,haldwani,haridwar,hisar,hyderabad,indore,jabalpur,jaipur,jalandhar,jammu,jamshedpur,jhansi,jodhpur,jorhat,kaithal,kanpur,karimnagar,karnal,kashipur,khammam,kharagpur,kochi,kolhapur,kolkata,kota,kottayam,kozhikode,kurnool,kurukshetra,latur,lucknow,ludhiana,madurai,mangaluru,mathura,meerut,moradabad,mumbai,muzaffarpur,mysore,nagpur,nanded,narnaul,nashik,nellore,noida,palwal,panchkula,panipat,pathankot,patiala,patna,prayagraj,puducherry,pune,raipur,rajahmundry,ranchi,rewa,rewari,rohtak,rudrapur,saharanpur,salem,secunderabad,silchar,siliguri,sirsa,solapur,sri-ganganagar,srinagar,surat,thrissur,tinsukia,tiruchirapalli,tirupati,trivandrum,udaipur,udhampur,ujjain,vadodara,vapi,varanasi,vellore,vijayawada,visakhapatnam,warangal,yamuna-nagar
Chemistry Concepts

Chemistry Concepts

Chemistry is the study of matter, any mass that takes up space and undergoes changes under different environments or conditions is defined as a chemical reaction. Chemistry does not only happen in laboratories but rather we witness in our daily lives, whether you cook food or wash your clothes, there’s a chemical reaction taking place in the process.

Our “Chemistry Concepts” section will help you understand Chemistry from the basics, followed by more complex concepts along with their application and faqs. This section will help students understand all concepts of Organic, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry.


118 Elements and Their Symbols and Atomic Numbers Acetone Acid And Base Difference
Acids Bases and Salts Actinides Addition Reaction
Adsorption Chromatography Aldol Condensation Alkali Metals
Ammonium Chloride Applications of Redox Reactions Argon
Arrhenius Equation Rate Constant And Temperature Atomic Number Mass Number Aufbau Principle
Aufbau Principle, Paulis Exclusion Principle and Hands Rule Bakelite: Structure and Uses Benzene Reactions
Benzoic Acid - Structure and Properties Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Calcium Oxide
Cathode Ray Experiment Charles Law Chemical And Its Composition
Chemical Formula of Common Compounds Classification Of Carbohydrates and Its Structure Classification of Organic Compounds
Coefficient of Viscosity - Definition, Formula and Example Colligative Properties beRelative Lowering of Vapour Pressure Colloidal Solution
Components of Air Condensation Conformation
Cracking Meaning Crystallization Decantation
Decomposition Reaction Dehydration of Alcohols Difference Between Alkali and Base
Difference Between Atom And Ion Difference Between Atom and Molecule Difference Between CNG and LPG
Difference between Compound and Mixture Difference Between Element And Compound Difference Between Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Difference Between Mixture and Solution Difference Between Molecule and Compounds Difference Between Organic And Inorganic Compounds
Difference between Physical and Chemical Change Difference between Vapor and Gas Disaccharides
Discovery of Protons and Neutrons Distillation Effects of Burning Fossil Fuels
Electromeric Effect Electron Configuration Electronic Configuration of First 30 Elements
Electronic Configuration of Iron Electroplating Process Endothermic Reaction
Enthalpy Change Enzyme Catalysis Ester
Ester Hydrolysis Ethanoic Acid Exothermic Reaction
Filtration Fuel Types Functions of Nucleic Acids
Glycerin Glycine Structure Glycogen
Gravimetric Analysis Group 17 Trends Properties Heat Capacity Cp Cv Relation
Heavy Water Homogeneous Mixture and Heterogeneous Mixture Hunds Rule
Hybridization Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide
Introduction: Importance of Forest IR Spectroscopy Iron
Krypton Lewis Dot Structures Metallic Bonds
Metals and Nonmetals Methanol Mineral Resources
Mixtures Modern Periodic Table and Its Significance Mole Concept
Monosaccharides NaHCO3 Natural Polymers
Neutralization Reaction Non Metals Oxalic Acid
Oxygen Periodic Table Elements Periodic Trends in Properties of Elements
Pesticides Phenol Preparation Phosphoric Acid
Physical and Chemical Properties of Carbon Physical And Chemical Properties of Water Physical Change and Chemical Change
Polarity Polymers Uses Polyvinyl Alcohol
Positron Potassium Potassium Dichromate - Formula, Properties and Uses
Potassium Permanganate Precipitation Reaction Preparation of Benzene
Preparation Properties and uses of Sodium Chloride Properties of Boron Family Properties of Solution
Redox Titration Relation Between Normality And Molarity Rusting Iron Prevention
Rutherford Atomic Model Rutherford Atomic Model Shapes of Molecules Vsepr Theory
Shapes of Orbitals Sieving SilkWorm - Life Cycle of Silkworm, Diagram
Silver Nitrate Soaps And Detergents Sodium Hydroxide
Structure of Benzene Sublimation Synthetic Fibres And Natural Fibres
Synthetic Polymers Tollens Test Toluene
Transition Metals Tyndall Effect Types of Organic Reactions
Types of Solutions Types of Titration - Acid Base Titration Unsaturated Solutions
Ununoctium Ununpentium Uses of Acetone
Uses of Air Uses of Bauxite Uses of Carboxylic Acid
Uses of Coal Uses of Ethers Health In Care Industry Uses of Formaldehyde
Uses of Graphite Uses of Methanol and Ethanol Uses of Minerals
Uses Of Nitric Acid Uses of Phenol Uses of Propanol
Uses of Sulfuric Acid Uses of Water Valence Bond Theory
Volumetric Analysis Waste Water Cycle Process
What is Dipole Moment? What is Eutrophication? What is Metallurgy?
Wurtz Reaction Mohr’s Salt Titration with KMnO4 Gattermann Reaction
Benzene Brown Ring Test Calcium Carbonate
Cotton and its Various Uses Difference between Petrol and Diesel Engine Difference between Sigma and Pi Bond
Element-Manganese (Mn) Friedel Crafts Reaction Hofmann Elimination
Isomerism Laws of Chemical Combination Mannich Reaction
Methods of separation Molisch’s Test Name Reactions
NMR Spectroscopy Non – Aqueous Titration Ozonolysis Mechanism – Ozonolysis of Alkenes and Alkynes
Periodic Classification of Elements Pinacol Pinacolone Rearrangement Planck’s Quantum Theory
Pseudo First Order Reaction Rosenmund Reduction Mechanism Salt Analysis
Saponification Science in Everyday life and Its Importance Sericulture: Rearing of Silkworm to Produce Silk
Spectrophotometer Principle Zone Refining  
Reactivity Series Difference between isotropic and anisotropic Introduction to p-Block elements
Plant fibres Inert Gases: Uses Benzoin Condensation
Difference between primary cell and secondary cell Partition Chromatography Applications of colloids
Displacement Reactions Handpicking Biogas: Uses of Biogas
Acid Rain Types of Chemical Reactions SN2 Reaction Mechanism
Complexometric Titration markovnikov rule Kohlrausch Law
Electrode Valency Chart Order of Reaction
Band Theory Difference Between Rusting and Corrosion Potentiometric Titration
Frenkel Defect Deforestation Stephen Reaction Mechanism
Gattermann – Koch Reaction Mechanism Electronegativity Industrial Waste: Types
Ethylene Charge to Mass Ratio of an Electron Fehling Solution
Photochemical Reactions Difference Between Endpoint and Equivalence Point Second Order Reaction
Etard Reaction Forms of water Preparation of Acetanilide
Metallic Minerals and Non-Metallic Minerals Ferric Chloride Henry's Law
Preparation of Mohr's salt Schottky Defect Claisen rearrangement
Calcium sulphate Sodium carbonate Rubber
Ethyl acetate Conductometric Titration Resorcinol
Difference Between Evaporation and Condensation States of Matter Boric Acid
Types of Minerals Finkelstein Reaction Electronegativity Chart
Difference between Solid, Liquid and Gas in tabular form Aromaticity Drawbacks of Rutherford's Atomic Model
Thermosetting Polymers Preparation of Alkanes Examples of Bases
Suzuki Coupling Reaction Standard Electrode Potential Disadvantages of Plastics
Reducing Agent Van't Hoff Factor Hard Water and Soft Water
Organometallic compounds Gay Lussac's Law Slaked Lime
Borax Tetravalency of Carbon Boyle's Law
Ellingham Diagram Crystal Defects : Point Defects HVZ Reaction (Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky Reaction)
Classification of Drugs Preparation of Sulfuric Acid Lucas test
Xenon Difluoride Bravais Lattice Classification of Oxides
Elimination Reaction preparation of polythene, Teflon and polyacrylonitrile Difference between cations and anions
Uses of Limestone Fructose Azeotropes
Lewis Acid and Base Emulsification Dielectric properties of solids
Zwitterion Birch Reduction Mechanism Oxidation and Reduction
Electrophilic Substitution Reaction Suspensions Aromatic Compounds
Ores and Minerals Adsorption theory of heterogeneous catalysis Wittig Reaction
Difference between evaporation and boiling Intensive And Extensive Properties Of Matter Electronic Configuration of Group 16 Elements
Difference Between Elements and Atoms Sodium Oxide Gypsum
Difference Between Alloy and Composite Chemical Equations Thorium
Lead Acid Battery Isotopes of Hydrogen Significant Figure Rules
Electrophilic Addition Reactions Of Alkenes Isothermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas Potassium Chloride - KCl
Aluminum Oxide Difference Between Acetic Acid and Glacial Acetic Acid Difference Between Polar and Nonpolar
Difference Between Baking Powder and Baking Soda Test for Phenolic group To prepare colloidal solution of starch
Uses of Mica Pi Bonds Potassium Chlorate
Schmidt Reaction High density Polyethylene Huckel's Rule
Discovery of Proton Aluminium Ore: Extraction of Aluminium Benzene Hexachloride
Caustic Potash or Potasium Hydroxide Electromagnetic Radiation - Wave Nature Atomic Number and Mass Number, Isotopes and Isobars
Preparation of Potash Alum Beckmann Rearrangement Heterogeneous Equilibrium
Butane Factors Affecting Electrolytic Conductance Scandium
Homogeneous Equilibrium Phenols Nomenclcature Galvanic Corrosion
Chlorine Trifluoride Robinson Annulation Copper
Pyridine Silver Carbonate Harmful Effects of Radiation
Water Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes Rules for filling Electrons in Orbitals
Purification of Colloids Instantaneous and Average Rate of Reaction Density
Hydrogen Hydrogen Peroxide Strength of Solution
Chromatography Phosphorus Phosphorus Halides
Hydrogen Glucose Electrolysis
Discovery of Electron Catalysis Receptors as Drug Target
Nutrition Respiration & Reproduction in Eubacteria Charge of Electron Osmosis
Acidic Buffer Solution Basic Buffer Solution Covalent Bond


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